The curriculum

Downe House is renowned for providing an outstanding education for girls. Most importantly, we offer an inspiring range of subjects, individual learning programmes tailored to each girl and the freedom and encouragement to show initiative and creativity in their studies.

A curriculum to encourage and inspire

Our curriculum is designed to offer girls a seamless learning journey. Pupils benefit from the structure of the Cambridge Curriculum Programme combined with the creativity and track record of the Downe House UK academic programme. We recognise the importance of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies and ensure these subjects are embedded within our core curriculum.

Ultimately, our curriculum prepares girls for IGSCE and A level examinations, taken in Grade 10 and 12 respectively.

Lower and Middle Junior School (Grades 1 to 4)

Our highly qualified U.K trained staff teach a carefully balanced curriculum. In planning and guiding our pupil’s activities, we reflect on the ways that children learn and we ensure that our practice encompasses the three characteristics of effective learning: playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically. Our curriculum challenges and supports each child’s learning through a balance of play-based and adult-led activities. In giving the children a voice through expressing choice, opinion, feelings and emotions our pupils learn that they are valued. We also provide our pupils with specialist teaching in Arabic, Islamic Studies, Music, PE.

Upper Junior School (Grades 5 to 6)

We encourage girls to develop new academic interests while ensuring they graduate to Secondary School with the core competencies they need to access more challenging curriculum material. We principally follow the Cambridge Primary Programme influenced by the spirit and outcomes of the Downe House UK curriculum. We ensure that there is sufficient flexibility curriculum structure to tailor learning to the individual interests and needs of our girls. Our personalised approach is made possible by our small class sizes. The curriculum is purely led by subject-specialist teachers for all lessons. This model ensures girls progress into Secondary school with greater academic independence and deeper subject knowledge.

Senior School (Grades 7 – 8)

The curriculum in Grades 7 and 8 is designed to give as much variety of educational experience as possible. Girls are encouraged to collaborate and inject creativity into their work as they explore new subjects and skills.

A grounding in fundamental skills

In Grades 7 and 8, the pupils will begin the Cambridge Lower Secondary programme balanced with Arabic, Islamic and Social Studies.

The following subjects are taught:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
  • Arabic
  • Social and Islamic Studies
  • Art and Ceramics
  • Design and Technology (Food, Product Design, Textiles)
  • Information Technology
  • Digital Literacy
  • Physical Education
  • Music
  • Global Perspectives
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Drama
  • History
  • Geography

Senior School (Grades 9 – 10)

Downe House Muscat’s Upper Secondary School curriculum is designed to reflect the increasing independence and freedom of our girls as they prepare for and focus on IGCSE examinations, which are taken in Grade 10.

Our impressive subject flexibility means that our curriculum offers the space for each girl to develop her interests and express her individuality through a breadth of academically rigorous disciplines.

Grades 9 and 10 are the principal IGCSE years and use the Upper Secondary Cambridge curriculum as the underpinning framework. In selecting their IGCSE options, pupils will have been granted the opportunity to craft their own broad and balanced curriculum with the support of their tutor, subject teachers and Downe House Muscat’s higher education support department.

In Grade 10, pupils will select their A-level subjects with the un-paralleled support offered by their individual tutors and our Higher Education team.

Downe House Muscat Science

Sixth Form (Grades 11 – 12)

Sixth Form

The curriculum in the Sixth Form is designed to prepare pupils not only for A Level examination but for life beyond Downe House Muscat.

A Levels are a globally recognised qualification that facilitate entry into the world’s leading universities. Pupils typically select three or four A Level subjects to study at Sixth Form. Our Sixth Form curriculum is academically rigorous and designed to recognise and reward depth in learning.

Our timetables are structured to provide girls a greater level of autonomy with their learning. Having selected subjects that they are passionate about, pupils are afforded the time to read around their subjects and gain a deeper understanding of the subject material that they will be examined on.

All this takes place within a context of substantial support from our staff. Girls are allocated a new academic tutor when they start Sixth Form, who is selected based on their subject choices and career aspirations. In addition, subject teachers and our higher education department ensure students have the academic support network they require to fulfil their potential.

Secondary Curriculum (Grades 11 - 12)

The Sixth Form is, in my belief, the most exciting part of your education journey at School. You have the opportunity to choose subjects that you will enjoy and also play to your individual strengths and experience the joy of in-depth learning and research.

Mrs Emma McKendrick, Headmistress, Downe House UK

Admissions Enquiries

Admissions Enquiries

The best way to find out more about Downe House Muscat is to arrange a call with our team.
